Making a .pk3

How to make a .pk3

First you will want to download winrar. This is what we will use to create the actual PK3 file.

Below are the preparation steps to get ready to PAK the PK3

  1. Create a temporary folder on your desktop and name it your-map_temp,(for this tutorial i will go with test_temp) to collect all the files related to your map.
  2. Inside this folder create a second folder called maps. Inside the maps folder make the mp folder. Copy your BSP and any GSC files you may have to this folder.
  3. If you have an ARENA file: Go back to test_temp and make a new folder called mp. In this folder you will place your arena file (if you have one) if you dont have one then dont bother with this folder.
  4. If you have any New textures: Go back to test_temp and make a new folder called textures. In this folder you will place any new textures you may have created just for this map.
  5. If you have any New shaders: Go back to test_temp and make a folder called scripts. If you have any new shader-scripts for a texture, this is where it will go.
  6. If you have any New sounds: Go back to test_temp and creat a folder called sounds. In this folder you will place any new sounds you may have created for this map.

Everything collected? Good Now we will Pak the PK3 file.

If, by this time, you havnt already installed Winrar please do so.

Below are the steps to pak the PK3 file.

  1. Open your temp folder on your desktop.(eg test_temp)
  2. Highlight all files and folders.
  3. Right click on them and select "Add these files to an archive."

A window appears

  1. In the filename box type then name you wish it to have
  2. Next select the ZIP format( located on the left of the screen)... Notice this will change the extension of your filename to .zip.
  3. Now change your file extension to .pk3 instead of .zip.

If all goes well by this time you will have a pk3.

To test put it into your main folder and run it.

Good Luck

Tutorial by: Kryton

This page was last edited on 2024-05-28 10:38

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