Compiling And Testing

Compiling your map and testing it in the game.

To Compile Your Map

First thing you will want to do is make a .bat file.

To make a .bat file make a .txt file with notepad and save it whatever name you want. Now edit the file name and replace the .txt with .bat. A .bat file is really nothing more then an "executable" text file.

I simply name my bat file for compiling, Compile and edit it for whatever map name I am compiling. Here is what the Compile.bat should look like:

cd ..\..\tools\bin

q3map ../../main/maps/[insert your map name]
q3map -vis ../../main/maps/[insert your map name]
flare -extra -sundiffusesamples 10 -dumpoptions ../../main/maps/[insert your map name]

cd ..\..\


Compile options will vary depending o­n what settings you are looking for. Read the Compiling Maps.htm that came with the tools.

Whenever you want to compile a map simply replace [insert your map name] with the name of the .map file you want to compile. To edit the .bat file simply right click o­n the .bat file and select edit. o­nce your done don’t forget to save the .bat file.

Now that the Compile.bat file and your map file are in the main/maps folder double click o­n the Compile.bat file to run the compile. o­nce the compile is complete you should have a .bsp, .poly, and .prt file in addition to your .map and the Compile.bat file.

To Test Your Map

MP map testing

First make a folder under the maps folder named mp. Place the .bsp from your compile in the mp folder. Now open the CoDMP.exe and go to "Start new server". The o­nly setting you have to change is pure...turn it off. You can make this change from the Server Settings or do it from the console. Now bring down the console with the tilda key "~" and if you haven't yet set the server to pure, type /sets sv_pure 0. Then continue by typing /map [insert your map name]. o­nce you have done that your map will now load.

SP map testing

Leave your .bsp file in the maps folder and open the CoDSP.exe. o­nce it has loaded bring down the console with the tilda key "~" and type /map [insert your map name]. o­nce you have done that your map will now load.

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