Bending A Pipe - Patch Bends
|DA|DarkDilber with a quick walkthrough for patch bends.
Create a brush - however thick you want the pipe to be, but make it a power of 2 just to make things easy, and set the grid to half your pipes diameter - so If your pipe is 16units in diameter, set the grid to 8
Click on "Patch", on the menu at the top, and choose "Cynlinder"
Change views to a side view, and with the cylinder selected press V - this will show each vertex
This is where you start moving vertices. Look at the picture below
Draw a selection box over the top-center vertex of your mesh. This will select all the vertices that are behind too
Hold down Alt (not needed, but makes grapping easier), and move these vertices one grid right and one grid up. Because my cylinder is 128 wide, I moved these vertices 64 right and 64 up
Repeat the above with the top left vertices, but moving them two grids right and two grids up
And again for the rest. Select the central vertices, and move them one grid up.
Select the central-left vertices and move them two grids up
Last part now. Select the, what once were, top left, top center and top right vertices - all at once (can do it one at a time, but they're all moving in the same direction), and move them one grid right and one grid down
There you have it, a perfect bend - or as perfect as this 3 point curves will allow